Anxiety, Breathing, Carmarthenshire, CBT, Chronic Pain, Coming together, Depression, Diet, Eczema, Excited, Exciting, Family, Food, Fresh air, Future, Health, Illness, Invisible illness, Love, Medication, Mental Illness, Panic attacks, Panic Disorder, Plant Based, Plants, Power of plants, S.A.D, Sad, South Wales, South West Wales, UK, Ulcerative Colitis, Vegan, Wales

The power of plants .

When I mention I’m trying to go Vegan , the looks and comments I get are hilarious . 

I’m not doing it because it’s a trend and I’m not turning into ‘one of those people’ either . 

My body has been failing me for years . 

I’ve been told it’s because I’m veggie and need to eat meat ? 

Through research I have proven this is bull ! 

Your body doesn’t need meat at all . We aren’t meat eaters . 

Our diet should consist of plant based foods only . 

But I’m not that person who will dictate to you what you should eat . At the end of the day , I’m only worried about my body and the toxins I put in to it . 

I do blame medications and foods for my illnesses . 

Considering I have so many allergies along with many other things .  

I don’t want to be that person who just accepts everything anymore . I want to know the facts . 

For example , this is something very small . But I’ve been getting really bad eczema flare ups under my arms . I’ve even got patches under my arms which are dark and look awful . When I looked at what was in my deodorant , which I just picked up off the shelf 2 months ago . I found there is geletine in it …. Geletine !!!! Animal ingredients which shouldn’t be in a bloody roll on ?! 

Why would I want to roll dead animals on my pits ? Seriously ? Rotting animal . Makes me feel sick . 

Anyways , I’ve stopped using it and I’m now getting better . 

Not to mention all the other shocking ingredients . But I think that’s for another time ….

I’ve also changed from cows milk , which has no positive effect on us whats so ever , to almond milk . 

My bloating has gone down . 

I was told by my gastro that he’s doubtful that I have any allergies and my weight is all due to my over eating *of 800 calories a day* .

I think this may prove otherwise ?

I’m also drinking lemon water instead of squash . Again , that has helped . Less sugar , more plants / fruit . Natural 🙂 

Simple little things . 

I haven’t touched meat since I was 13 , so going vegan shouldn’t be too hard for me . 

I have stopped all medications and taken on natural plant extracts for pain relief , anxiety and depression and my UC . 

Well . What a difference ! 

I have zero side effects .

None . 

Nada ! 

Zip .

I am more or less pain free . 

Except for the odd ache . 

Which , is more than prescribed meds have ever done for me . 

(I don’t use honey but I couldn’t find an image without it in) .

If you remember last year , I was on gabapentin ? 

I was extremely ill and left to suffer as I couldn’t see a Dr .  

I had to pull myself off the meds and I was like a heroine addict . 

Sweats , headaches , shakes , the lot ! 

Not anymore ! 

I can choose when I need what now . 

I’m not reliant on the meds . I can go without them if needed . 

My anxiety and depression are low . 

Yes I still have my days but it’s not a daily struggle . 

I feel more like me now more than ever !

I’m not saying I’m cured . I’m not , yet . I’m still aching and I’m still trying to find the right dosage . I still can’t walk far and still need a walking stick . But I’m a million times better than what I was . 

Now the question is , if I can do all of this , with just those little things . What can I do with the big change ? Full on , 100% plant based life ? 

It’s going to take some time and some getting used to . It’s not an over night thing . 

But I am very curious . 

If I’m feeling better with the little things . Will I get cured with the big ? 

Another example .

After months of putting turmeric into all of my foods , I was in remission with my UC . 

The doctor was very surprised . 

He even asked me how .  I said , turmeric , his reply , 

‘Well I suppose it is a natural anti inflammatory , I think I’ll research this’ .

So there is some proof that plant based is better for us .  

I just wish I had figured this out years ago . Maybe I wouldn’t be in the place I am now ? Maybe I would be working as a theatre lighting technican *dream job* .

All I know is , I want to be mindful of what I put into my body .  I want to beat all of my illnesses and along the way , I want to try and help others too 🙂 

I hope this does help some of my readers and I’d love to hear if any of you have gone vegan and how you feel since you have made the change 💜